Saturday, November 10, 2018

3 ways to get rich quick Business secrets according to Islam

Assalamualaikum, back again with pandaidagang.
Have you ever tried to sell but difficult to profit? Or even are being cheated?
How to bring in a lot of customers, no need to use shamans, no need to use magic,
quite simply by using the marketing of Allah?
Long before Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam
was appointed as an apostle, he was a successful businessman of his day
Since the age of 12 years the Prophet Muhammad was taught to trade by his uncle Abu Talib.
Being an adult, the Messenger of Allah showed his talent as an honest, successful entrepreneur,
fair and trustworthy in making business agreements.
That makes his business continues to grow, and increase the coffers of his wealth.
Just imagine, when the Prophet married Siti Khadijah,
he gave dowry worth ± Rp. 1.750.000.000
Where at that time the dowry form of 125 best camels.
In this video I will discuss 3 Tips Success Trading the way of the Messenger of Allah.
Guaranteed without preservative that can damage the faith. 100% pure recipe from Allah.
Apa aja itu? In surah of Fathir verses 29 and 30,
Indeed, those who always read the Book of Allah (Al-Qur'an)
and prayers and spend in the most sustenance which We gave him
secretly and openly, they were expecting commerce that have nothing to lose,
that Allah will reward them enhance and add to his gifts.
Really, Allah is Forgiving, Most Grateful.
According to this verse there are 3 solutions to avoid from trade loss.
1. Always Reading and Studying the Book of Allah
The Prophet is an Arabian so the Quran is derived in Arabic.
If you do not speak Arabic, then do not forget to read also the translation,
so that the Quran can be understood, and increase your knowledge.
We made the Quran in Arabic so that you may understand. (Surah 43: 3)
And do not read fast fast because want to quickly understand or khatam.
Do not you (Muhammad) move your tongue (to recite the Qur'an) for wanting to quickly (master) it.
Surely We will collect it (in your chest) and read it. (Surah 75: 16-17)
From 'Uthman bin' Affan said, that the Messenger of Allaah shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam said :
Khairukum man ta allamal Qur'ana wa Allamahu.
"The best of you are those who study the Qur'an and teach it."
and Rasul said also, Ballighu 'Anni Walau Ayah, “Spread from me even one verse”
So it's clear, while selling and chatting with customers or to fellow traders,
rather than gossiping, better to give a little verse, InsyaAllah more blessing.
2. Praying in the Beginning of Prayer Time
Never even once left the prayer when selling.
Stores can be temporarily closed.
Allah who sustains love, Allah also who bring customers.
Pray in time, afterwards pray and ask for sustenance to Allah.
people who are not neglected by trade and buying and selling from the remembrance of Allah,
perform prayers, and perform zakat. They are afraid of the day when the heart
and visions shakes (the Day of Judgment), (they do that)
that Allah will reward them with something better than what they have done,
and that He may add His bounty to them. And Allah gives sustenance to whomsoever He wishes without limit. (Surah 24: 37-38)
In addition to the obligatory five-time prayer, the Prophet also performed the evening prayer or tahajjud.
And on most nights, do pray tahajud (as a way of worship) extra for you:
May your Lord take you to a place of praise. (Surah 17:79)
3. Infaq in secret or openly
When trading, always prioritize honesty, give the product quality as advertised and promised,
do not ever reduce the dosage, let alone give the rotten goods, reject goods.
No need to fear no turnover. Everything you extend and give to others,
it becomes the reward of Infaq and alms for you.
And do not forget infaq also to parents, kinsman relatives, orphans, the poor, and fisabillah.
And He it is Who makes the vines that grow and which do not propagate,
date palms, varied plants, similar olives and pomegranates (shapes and colors) and unlike (taste).
Eat the fruit of what-if it bears fruit, and grant rights (zakat) at the time of harvest,
but do not overdo it. Allah does not love those who are excessive (Surah 6: 141)
Even the prophet dared to give more than he should for customer satisfaction.
After emigrating to Medina, the Prophet built the Muslim market
which was initiated by Abdurrahman Bin Auf. With some of the strategies implemented by Abdurrahman Bin Auf,
the Muslim market began to be crowded by trade transactions.
Not long after that the Muslim merchants delivered their complaints and problems to the Messenger of Allah.
That Jewish merchants are making bigger profits than they are.
Apparently the Jewish traders are already accustomed to reducing the doses on their merchandise.
Suppose if you sell 1 kilogram of wheat, it is only obtained 900 grams,
sedangkan para moeslem seller always with good specific rate.
Then what is the answer of the Prophet ..? → "Give more."
It means exaggerating even though only 1 handful, according to the sincerity of the seller.
So the people of Madinah get the impression if shopping to the Muslims, they get more
compared to spending money on Jewish merchants.
And less than two years later,
Muslim merchants already dominate the market of Medina.
Fourteen centuries ago the Messenger of Allah had prioritized customer satisfaction,
by always providing a friendly smile
and thanked after the transaction.
May Allah bestow sustenance for all Muslim traders who follow the way of the Prophet
Share also to your friends,
thanks, wassalamualaikum.

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